miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014


A new 30-meter asteroid happened today very close to Earth

The new asteroid passed us over just 0.9 times the Moon's distance, so that you can consider , by protocol, as a potentially dangerous astronomical phenomenon .

At 22:07 , CET , the asteroid named 2014 DX110 approached very close to the Earth , just under 350,000 kilometers or 0.9 times the distance between Earth and the Moon.

"It's a very safe distance , but still a very spectacular phenomenon," explains some of those responsible for the Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory in Italy , led by Dr. Gianluca Pasi , via Web The Virtual Telescope Project 2.0.

This time , the asteroid's trajectory is much closer to us than the spotted by astronomers in recent months . Above all, the most recent, 2000 EM26 , which was classified as " potentially dangerous" , but pass " near " Earth nearly nine dots, just last February 18 distances.

Hence the phenomenon of the night, a " gall " authentic only 0.9 lunar distances , are, per protocol , cataloged just as potentially dangerous.

However, such sightings are considered common within the scientific community, due to the sensitivity and precision of the instruments we use to scan the sky, as reported by Antonio Pérez Verde.

Increasingly frequent location asteroid whose path crosses areas relatively close to our planet, although it is virtually nonexistent real hazard. Not surprisingly, phenomena like this, your today at 22.07 hours , half occur twice a month . Carpe diem , just in case .

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